hi everyone and now encyclopedia of knots will present a veryfamous knot that can connect fishing hook the fishing line. first i'll showyou how to do it using rope i should say that palomar knot is a simple knotfor attaching a line to hook ot to a fly or to a leader or tipet it regards one of the strongest and most reliable
fishing knots there is a down fault and i will show you what it is but i should agree with this statement and you will see in a minutes why ok in order to form apalomar knot just make a loop like that
and then double your rope or make aloop and insert that loop inside of the hole of the hook here and after that form a simple simple knot like that it's a simple like that you see that it's justsimple knot and after that take this loop and go around the hook like thatand you will have it you see that you will have it things like that and after that justtie it and that is it i mean that is thatis at palomar knot and of course why it's one of the strongest because as youcan see i mean both main line and end of the line coming out of the severalseveral loops that tie them and of course
in this case you can cut you can cut line right here almost near by the knot i mean still leave allways there 3 - 5 millimeters just in case ok and now let me show you how to do itright on the hook okay let me put a little bit closer likethat like that okay haa.. let's take a line and let's take ahook here it is i hope you well form a loop form aloop put the loop in a hole of the hook form a simple a simple knot now you see that and how it looks like simple knot and after that go around the hook yeah
and a do it like that i mean there's thingsgoing here and tie it tight that is a palomar knot ok i'll cut it liaving in quarter of inchof 3- 5 millimeters here and let me show how how it look like yet that is it you see that it's amain line and end of the line coming out of the three turns forming very strongreliable reliable knot what is it down fall down for is it's it's okay to tomake it to make it on a hook that has a very big hole (eye) but some of the lures and some of the hooks has a very small hole here and you can you cannot put doubleline through this hole that is a downfall
that's the only downfall otherwiseit's a very nice knot and i would highly recommend to use it thank you for watching don't forget tosubscribe to our channel ab video studio and if you like thisvideo please put likes and see you on next video bye ok
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