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fish artist

so today we're making the mixed media rat.this is an example of what one could look like, but these are all going to have yourown personal touch on them, with additional mixed media that we can add. and, i'll goover what some of those options are. they can be different sizes, different shapes.they'll all come out a little bit differently. these are good for ages three and up, prettymuch five and up, if they're going to do it

fish artist

on their own. and there are a couple stepsin the process that might need a little bit of parent help or supervision. the paintingprocess is a part that the child can do, all on their own. and, they're really pretty durable.they're best put on a shelf. they can be a little breakable, so we want to be carefulthrough out the process. and they're, they're

great little rats. they could be also a mouse,depends on, on how you want to see it. the mixed media adds a little bit of flair andcolor for our art project. it's also nice to experiment with what kinds of things wecan add into our project to get creative. find things around the house. and we'll goover what some of those options might be.


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