today, we're going to talk a little bitabout one of the most commonly used rigs for putting bait on the bottom. this isused in freshwater, its used in saltwater, shallow-water, deep-water, it's very is called a slip-lead rig, some people call it a fish-finder rig. the concept is, you want to place your bait on the bottom and you want to have some flexibility for a small baitfish to swim around and look natural the way you rig this is from your main linethe first thing you would do is slide on
a sliding sinker. then, attach using abasic twist knot, a swivel to the other side of the swivel you would attach apiece of monofilament or fluorocarbon leader material. fluorocarbon is actually idealbecause it is extremely clear underwater and in other words the fish can't see itand it also has better abrasion
resistance than normal monofilament line.and then your hook or your jig or whatever your terminal tackle might be in thesituation and like said this is a great rig it's one of the most standard ringsfor fishing live bait. it also is very useful for natural bait. the only possibledetraction from this rig is that in areas where oyster bars and other areaswith a lot of snags, this rig will tend to tangle up pretty easy on the bottom but for 95%of your fishing this is the standard way you put bait on the bottom.
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